Sunday, September 19, 2010

Yoga Moments

Re-Locate Back to Bangkok, Thailand

Sat nam every one,

Finally I am relocated back to Bangkok. Been here for a month already , don't know for how long but let's see. At the moment I am teaching at ASHA Yoga house. For further information please check out :

Have a Blissful time :)


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Prosperity Yoga at Lightworks

Prosperity Yoga with Paramjot (All Saturday: 7, 14, 21, and 28 August 2010)


Experience and attract the Abundance to your life through Yoga

To see through the eyes of spirit is the key to finding prosperity. So many people look at prosperity as a state of outer wealth. Actually it is a state of inner wealth that comes from a deep sense of understanding that the universe will take care of us if we only apply love, patience, kindness, generosity, and all the other fruits of the spirit to our material life.

Life flows, and if we are flowing in spirit with it, all our needs will be met. That is the essence of prosperity. The challenge is to find your path to this serene state. The people who are happiest at times like these are those who meditate, those who reach out to others in service, those who follow the call of their souls, those who keeps their hearts open. These qualities keep us from collapse in deadly times and bring us prosperity at the same time.

In this 4-day workshop (Part 1) we will learn what prosperity is. We will learn many techniques for achieving prosperity - we should understand what prosperity is so we will recognize it when we receive it.

This workshop will give you:

- Lesson about the wheels of prosperity, and overview of chakra as to how each of them affects the experience of prosperity.

- The concept of the ten yogic bodies and how they affect prosperity.

- The roles of self-worth, self-affirmation, empowerment and releasing negativity that play in prosperity

- The relationship between intuition and effective meditation that plays in creating prosperity.

The sessions include talks and consultation with yoga set for prosperity and powerful meditations which you can bring back to your daily life to help you move into a new experience of your prosperity life.

Anyone can benefit from this workshop: Even people who have never done yoga before, people who are financially challenged and people who make million of dollars each year.

“No one else can limit you - If you want to limit yourself you can. Otherwise the entire resources of the Universe are yours to use” -- Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D

Prosperity energy flow for the 4 classes: RM 720 per person

Class dates: 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th August 2010 (all Saturdays)

Class times: 7:00pm – 8:30pm on all four days

Suggestions to attendees:

- Not to eat before the class at least 2 hours or else have a light meal.

- Bring a towel, own yoga mat (optional as Lightworks provides limited yoga mats) and a water bottle.

- Also bring a notebook and a pen for writing down own notes. Some sheets and notes for personal practice will be given by teacher.

- Wear comfortable clothing, preferably light colored or white if possible.

Special Note:

- If any one needs a personal consultation, a separate one-on-one class can be arranged and will be charged separately.

- Part 2 of this Prosperity Yoga will be scheduled for September (dates and timing to be announced later) and attendees who complete Parts 1 & 2 will receive a certificate at the end of Part 2.

Lightworks opens DAILY from 11am – 8pm

General Line
Tel: +6 03 2143 2966
Fax: +6 03 2143 2977

19, Jalan Mesui
Off Jalan Nagasari
Kuala Lumpur


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Kundalini Yoga Asia Festival 2010

Sign up now at

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fire Kriya 2010 : Meditation

The Fire Tattva : 2010 Global Meditation

Each year from 2008 to 2012 we have chosen to work on one of the five tattvas (elements) and the associated qualities of each tattva within us. Traditionally the five elements correspond to the first five chakras and are described by the qualities of earth, water, fire, air, and ether (space). By the time we reach the 2012 solstices, we will have energetically reached the sixth chakra and be ready to rely on a new level of subtlety and self-discipline. In this way we will be fully conscious and prepared to embrace change as we work together for unity and express our uniqueness as we serve, heal, and lead in this new time.

Spiritual Warrior-Strength, Balance, and Peace in a Changing World

2010 is the year of the Fire Tattva, which corresponds to the Third Chakra (navel point and solar plexus): personal strength and power, commitment, and identity. This is a time to call on our courage with the grit, caliber, and fortitude of a Spiritual Warrior. This is also the year to get clear about your goals. It is a moment to consolidate your self-discipline so you feel clear and worthy to steward all that is given to you. The Third Chakra strength must infuse your words and projection so that your seeds take root and reach to the heights.

Fire is an important quality or element in the philosophy of yoga. From the formless manifold Being that is the Infinite, to the dense form of finite existence, there is a process of manifestation that moves from the most subtle to the gross and tangible. This transition occurs in 36 steps or tattvas. Each step or tattva is a state of Being. Fire is a major step in that process and as such is a pervasive potential, which manifests in differing degrees. Fire as an element encodes a transformative function inherent in the Universe, which is experienced in particular functions throughout the body. Fire gives light. Light enables vision. Vision gives insight, perspective, and projective potency. In terms of chakras, it is associated with the Third Chakra, the Manipura Chakra, which is often represented as an upward pointing triangle and the color red.

In the finite world of forms, fire is fed by fuel. Physiologically, it is the power of digestion and food is its fuel. Emotionally, it is passion and the fuel is the object of love or desire. Psychologically, it is known as personal will and the fuel is a goal. When fire is present it induces dynamic change, restlessness, and purification of the substance and form it presides in. Fire is increased with the practice and discipline of yoga. The Fifth Chakra supports this internal flame through the power of projection and by charging the space it can burn in with potential.

In the formless realm of experience, the fire tattva is prakasha, the brilliance of the soul, the insight and intuition of the mind, and the presence of awareness. It is the light, which gives rise to forms. This quality was described in an early lecture by Yogi Bhajan: “Saints and sages have taught mankind that whatever elements are found in the constitution of the Infinite Universe will also be found in the human body. The Universe is the entire Cosmos; and we are a microcosm of the entire Cosmos. If we were to take a thimbleful of sea water and examine it closely, we would find by chemical qualitative analysis that the constituents of the sea water in the thimble are identical to those of the vast ocean. Similarly, the constituents of our individual bodies are identical to those of the Universe. It would be a strange finding if some element were found inside the human body which differed from the elements of the Universe. For there is One Creator who has created this Creation, and all manifested things are born from the One Source of all.

Our personality is dependent on which of the five gross elements predominates in our nature. The agnigranthi, or fire center, manifests through the spleen, liver, pancreas, and adrenal glands. Just as the heat of the sun makes life possible on Earth, the heat of the agni tattva sustains life in the body. The day this internal fire goes out means death to the individual as surely as this world would die if the sun refused to shine. Persons with a supremacy of this agni tattva are very vigorous, full of perseverance, and become untiring workers. They have a wonderful capacity for leadership and a directness of manner and speech.”

By Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, KRI Director of Training
© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, January 1, 1973

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kriya for Disease Resistance

Special Thank you for for this nice vdo.


-Have a regular spiritual practice.
-Identify and acknowledge wounds and scars to your psyche and self-esteem.
-Master your fear : Act fearlessly in the face of fear.
-Master your anger : Use it as fuel for effective conscious action.
-Release negative self-images and replace them with positive life-affirming images.
-Envision a better world and implement a plan to create that world.
-Be open to and aware of the pain, grief, and suffering of others, as well as your own.
-Be aware of the consequences of your actions, of cause and effect.
-Understand your skills and limitations
-Understand that our work must model the world we wish to build.
-Understand that our government is a manifestation of our collective consciousness.
-Develop you intuition through spiritual practice.
-Take care of yourself : Know when to stop, how to renew.
-Work effectively with others : Know how and when to lead, when and how to follow.
-Speak and act for the public good.
-Find the opportunity inherent in any given set of obstacles or challenges.
-Listen to one another, see one another, and value the diversity of our spicies.
-Learn to live with an attitude of gratitude.
-Act with wisdom, intuition, compassion, and intelligence.
-See God in all “ If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all.” ( Yogi Bhajan )

Sutras of the Aquarian Age

Monday, May 17, 2010

Questions about Kundalini Yoga

What can I accomplish with Kundalini?

With Kundalini Yoga you can build a healthy body, develop a balanced mind, and experience your innate inner wisdom. With a committed practice you gain the vitality and health to be radiant, peaceful and strong so that you can meet life's challenges with grace. It is a potent and effective system of self-transformation and personal development.

What if I get tired or can’t keep up?

Kundalini Yoga is non-competitive. Do what you can, rest when you need and simply imagine you are doing the exercise.
If you can’t keep up come back to these concepts:-
• Keep your eyes closed
• Keep your pelvis tucked under, chin tucked slightly in and elongate your spine
• Breath in and out through your nose unless otherwise instructed
• Focus on your third eye point (between your eyebrows)
• Mentally chant Sat (on the inhale) and Nam (on the exhale) – meaning "I am Truth".

What is meditation?

Just as we get up in the morning and take a shower to wash and cleanse our bodies, we meditate to refresh and cleanse our mind. Our minds release 1000 thoughts in a wink of an eye. Some of these thoughts get lost in the unconscious and some get stuck in the subconscious and affect the conscious mind. These thoughts become feelings, emotions, desires, fantasies or multi-realities. Instead of mastering our mind, often our mind rules us.

Meditation allows your mind to release negative thoughts from the subconscious, freeing you from unhelpful patterns. This results in clarity and sharpness of mind, enabling you to function more effectively on all levels.

Is chanting necessary?

When you chant you hit the tongue against the roof of the mouth, stimulating the 84 meridian points located on the palate. These are connected to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the brain. The hypothalamus controls many body processes including temperature, thyroid function, hunger and thirst response and sleep. The pituitary gland is known as the master gland and regulates mood and emotional behaviour. Therefore chanting can really change the way you feel.

What is Kundalini yoga?

Kundalini Yoga was taught for over 5000 years in India and Tibet, passed down privately from teacher to student. Yogis, saints and sages developed what they considered a ‘technology’ to allow individuals to experience and express their highest self, to attain and maintain a level of higher consciousness.

Coming from the Sanskrit word ‘kundal’, meaning ‘lock of hair of the beloved’ the uncoiling is the awakening of the kundalini – the latent energy force in us which is the catalyst for all forms of self-healing, intuition, creativity and wisdom. This energy is the creative potential that already exists in all of us, but usually lies dormant. The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to release the energy gradually and gracefully in order to connect you to your true path.

Kundalini Yoga was never taught publicly until Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, brought it to the west in 1969. Yogi Bhajan travelled the world teaching Kundalini Yoga to hundreds of thousands of people. In 1994 he founded the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA), which works to spread these priceless teachings worldwide.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Kundalini Yoga

"The kundalini experience does not mean you have gone into a deep breathless trance and are beyond this world. … It integrates you more fully with reality and gives you a broader vision and sensitivity so that you can act more efficiently."
~ Yogi Bhajan

" The Primary objective of Kundalini yoga is to awaken the full potential of human awareness in each individual; that is, we recognize our awareness, refine that awareness, and expand that awareness to our unlimited self."

What to expect :

A 90-minute class which features a sequence of dynamic postures, breath, mantra, sound ,meditation and deep relaxation designed to create a specific outcome. Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is one of the most ancient and most powerful styles of yoga. It is a yoga of awareness. The primary goal is to awaken the kundalini energy that is sleeping in you. You experience your own capacity and reality in a limited way. That awareness can be awakened and expanded. It can be extended to the Infinity. Kundalini Yoga teaches you how to gain a strong immune system, vital glands, a strong nervous system, good circulations and an awareness of the impact of your habits. Through meditation, you can calm the mind and develop your intuition to recognize what is real and important to you.

It is a technology and a science for all aspects of human living. Based on the realisation that our true strength comes from within, Kundalini Yoga deepens and expands our awareness on all levels so that we may awaken our full potential and grace.

A class leaves you with an overwhelming sense that you have nurtured your whole being and experienced something special. You do not need to be in perfect physical condition or share any particular belief system.